Redcord is a revolutionary suspension system created and designed in Norway, which uses slings, ropes and bungees to suspend your body for exercises.

When you are suspended during exercises, the way you move reveals a lot to a trained Neurac therapist about the way you use your body. If you have any imbalances or poor muscle control and activation (“Weak Links”), a Neurac therapist can use specific Redcord exercises to re-establish good muscle control and activation.

Because the Redcord system can offer as much or little support as you require for good muscle activation, Redcord exercises can be used for rehabilitation from injury and training for higher performance.

Neurac (NEURomuscular ACtivation) is the method used by trained therapists to assess and treat your body on the Redcord suspension system. It systematically takes your body through a series of suspended movements. If your movement is unbalanced or poorly controlled, a Neurac therapist will take note of this during the assessment and delve deeper to find out why.

The root cause of many health or performance issues stem from body imbalances and/or lack of good body control (“Weak Links”). A Neurac assessment identifies Weak Links and allows a Neurac therapist to target the root cause of your problem. Together, you and your therapist will design a Neurac treatment program that specifically targets the Weak Links stopping you from reaching your goals.

Neurac treatment involves using Redcord suspension exercises to specifically target your Weak Links but this treatment is not like traditional rehab or training. It is muscle control and activation training. Neurac treatment reprograms you and your brain to use your body they way it was designed to be used.

Weak Links are areas in your body that has poor muscle activation and control. Weak links can develop as a result of previous or current injury, chronic pain, physical inactivity or poor muscle strength and endurance. Without intervention, Weak Links can be present in our bodies indefinitely and can lead to compensated movement patterns. Over time, muscle compensation can lead to pain and dysfunction. Neurac Assessment + Treatment is effective in finding and correcting your Weak Links.

Simple answer: Yes. Anyone (in pain or not) can benefit from more information about their bodies. With a Neurac Assessment identifying your Weak Links, you can work towards correcting them either with Redcord + Neurac therapy in clinic or at home with a home exercise program and ultimately use your body the way it was designed to be used.

Complex answer: Yes, but the degree depends on your specific case. The Ready Room physiotherapists trained in Neurac therapy will do a complete orthopedic movement screen and help you decide if Redcord + Neurac therapy is the right option for you. For your specific case, call the Ready Room or book for a complimentary discovery session to discuss if Redcord + Neurac therapy is right for you.

Redcord + Neurac therapy is considered part of physiotherapy. This therapy is an effective tool used by Ready Room physiotherapists to help you get Ready for your health goals.

Redcord + Neurac therapy allows exercises to be:

Graded + Pain Free

At times, our injuries/conditions does not allow us to do the most basic movements without pain. Since pain inhibits muscle activation, this pain -> increased muscle inhibition -> pain cycle can prevent us from healing well. Since Redcord allows adjustable support during exercises, you will never exercise with pain while being treated. This allows our body to reestablish good muscle firing patterns which can break the pain cycle.

Closed Kinetic Chain (CKC)

When you are doing exercises connected to the ground (CKC), it forces you to use more muscles to stabilize the movement. Since Redcord + Neurac uses CKC training principles with an added instability component, it gets more recruitment from muscles during treatment/training.

Vibration + Instability Training

When vibration is added to any exercise, especially in unpredictable patterns, the brain senses instability and in turn, sends more signals to fire more muscles. This feedback loop is created during Redcord + Neurac treatment and training.

Body Weight + 3D Movement

Since the Redcord ropes allow for 3D movement, there is an infinite amount of exercises you do. Also, since you are only using your own body weight during exercises, you are essentially put into ways to relearn how your body moves to fire the right muscles at the right time with the right force.

Redcord suspension system has been carefully designed and manufactured with high quality materials and is completely safe when used as instructed by a trained practitioner. The system has multiple slings designed for safety and comfort and the system is designed for a maximum load of 330lbs. To ensure ultimate client safety, the Redcord system and it’s accessories are routinely checked and monitored at the Ready Room

No. One of the defining differences of Redcord + Neurac from other treatments is that it is 100% pain free. During treatment, we are constantly adjusting the sling support for your body to take you out of pain so that you can do effective pain-free exercise. Pain immediately inhibits muscle activation so by exercising without pain, you can establish better muscle activation. After treatment, you may feel sore in muscles we have targeted in the session but you should feel no pain.

Even if we do not have any pain or noticeable issues currently, it does not mean we are moving optimally. A Redcord + Neurac assessment can help you identify any Weak Links and suboptical movement patterns which could lead to future issues. Armed with this information, you change your movement patterns by doing specific exercises to help minimize your future injury risk.

Redcord + Neurac can absolutely be used to increase sports performance. Getting to the next level in performance requires a comprehensive evaluation of your movement patterns and how to create more efficient movement. For example, for endurance athletes, a more efficient muscle movement patterns means more conserved energy to push faster and longer. For power athletes, using correct movement patterns allows better generation of force and less power to be lost during movement. A Redcord + Neurac assessment will show how you are currently using your body and whether there are weak links and inefficiencies that can be addressed to improve your performance.

For more scientific information, check out The Ready-for-Anything Blog!

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