proactive care | 4 min read
injury | 4 min read

Redcord + Neurac Therapy

Identifies your body's imbalances and helps you restore balance

What is REDCORD?

REDCORD is a suspension system, designed in Norway, that use ropes, slings, bungees and pulleys to suspend people during movement and exercise to see how they use and control their bodies.

When our body is suspended, the way we move exposes our body’s weaknesses and imbalances. Many of our aches and pains can stem from these weaknesses and imbalances causing over/underuse of particular body parts. With Redcord, a trained Neurac practitioner, can let you know what muscle groups you need to work to restore balance to your body.

What is NEURAC?

NEURAC, or NEURomuscular ACtivation, is the methodology that is applied to Redcord suspension to both assess and treat our body’s imbalances. Because of the adjustability of Redcord suspension, Neurac practitioners can systematically analyze various movements (as seen in the picture) and subsequently treat any found weaknesses and imbalances.

In other words, the main goal of Neurac Assessment is to identify your imbalances. The main goal of Neurac Treatment is to increase the neuromuscular activation of your weak muscles to restore balance.

What makes NEURAC TREATMENT different?

1️⃣ Suspension 2️⃣ Vibration 3️⃣ Support via Bungees 4️⃣ Painfree approach

SUSPENSION and VIBRATION helps increase the feedback and input the brain gets from the body so that the brain can send stronger signals out to fire underused and inactive muscles. SUPPORT via bungees allows a Neurac practitioner to specifically target the muscles that need stronger signals to activate because without the support, we would tend to activate the muscles that we are currently overusing and thus reinforcing a poor muscle activation pattern. If at any point there is pain, more support is applied until it is PAINFREE, allowing the brain to fully focus solely on activating the muscles causing weakness and imbalances in the body.

So with the systematic Neurac Assessment, you will get a picture of what weaknesses and imbalances you have and with Neurac Treatment, you will restore balance to your body effectively and efficiently via improving neuromuscular activation of those weak muscles.

Finding this interesting?

You can visit our Redcord + Neurac page for more information.

Interested in getting a Neurac Assessment and finding out how well you are using your body? Book an Initial Assessment today!

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