injury | 5 min read

Redcord Physiotherapy for your Back Pain

A revolutionary way to treat back pain

First off, what is Redcord?

Redcord is a suspension system designed in Norway which uses ropes, slings, bungees and pulleys to suspend you for movement analysis. When you are moving while suspended, it is easy to see if you have any imbalances or poor muscle control which very often is the root cause of your back pain.


How does Redcord Physiotherapy help your back pain?

While every case is different, back pain typically is associated with a lack of balance and good control of your muscles around your back, core and hip.

Redcord Physiotherapy aims to restore muscle balance and control so that you can use the right muscles at the right time with the right force

Through a series of suspended tests, a Redcord Physiotherapist will give you a detailed report on how you are using your body and pinpoint areas, or weak links, that need to be better.

Awareness is half the battle and armed with this knowledge, you can start normalizing the way you move and allowing your back to heal naturally.

How a Redcord Assessment goes:

(1) What’s your story? Tell us about your back pain, the details and how it has lead you to us.

(2) Redcord Ready? Once we understand where you are coming from, we will ask you some questions to make sure you can be suspended safely

(3) Suspended Neurac* Tests:

*Neurac (or Neuromuscular Activation) is assessment and treatment methods that use Redcord suspension

Testing Back Stabilizers

This test allows us to see how you stabilize your back and whether you are doing it with the right muscles at the right times with the right force. Although it looks aggressive, this test is low impact and gives a lot of information about your back. The way you stabilize your back is the foundation of your movement.

Testing Global Muscles

The rest of these tests will give us information on how you use your global muscles to move. Global muscles include your outer core, hip and leg muscles. These muscles generates force for you to move and when imbalanced can cause undue stress on your back. Each of these tests are done unilaterally and therefore you will easily feel if one side of your body is weaker than the other.

(4) The Ready Report

After the suspended tests, you will be given a report which details areas you need to work on (your weak links) to start your using your muscles correctly.

(5) The Plan

At the end of your assessment, we, together as a team, formulate a plan to help you achieve your goals. Each plan is specifically tailored based on your health history, your Redcord assessment results and your goals.

Redcord is not only effective in assessing imbalances and muscle control, it is also used to treat back pain in a revolutionary way

A Redcord Revolution for Back Treatment

Based on your report, we specifically treat your weak links to become better controlled and more balanced. What makes Redcord treatment different and revolutionary is:

(1) Suspension
(2) Vibration
(3) Support via Bungees
(4) Pain-free approach

(1) Suspension and (2) vibration increases the feedback and input the brain gets from the body so that the brain uses those signals to produce stronger signals out to the poorly controlled muscles.

(3) Support via bungees allows us to specifically target the muscles that need stronger signals to activate because without the support, we would tend to activate the muscles that we are currently overusing and thus reinforcing a poor muscle activation pattern.

If at any point there is pain, more support is applied until it is (4) pain-free, allowing the brain to fully focus solely on activating the muscles causing weakness and imbalances in the body.

To fully understand how Redcord is used for back pain or if you have any questions about Redcord Physiotherapy, please feel free to contact us. We also have a Redcord + Neurac page where you can find more answers.

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